How to execute code after delay in flutter

In Flutter, you can execute code after a delay using the Future.delayed method or the Timer class. Here are examples of both approaches: Using Future.delayed: In this example, the code inside the function will be executed after a 2-second delay. You can adjust the duration according to your needs. Using Timer class: In this example, … Read more

Make a SwiftUI List scroll automatically?

Making a SwiftUI List scroll automatically can be useful for various purposes, such as showcasing content or implementing an automatic scrolling feature. To achieve automatic scrolling in a SwiftUI List, you can use the ScrollViewReader and onAppear modifiers. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this: Step 1: Create a SwiftUI List First, create … Read more

Flutter Advanced Interview Questions and Answers

Flutter is a popular cross-platform mobile development framework that allows developers to build native-looking applications for iOS and Android using a single codebase. It is developed by Google and is based on the Dart programming language. Flutter is a relatively new framework, but it has quickly gained popularity due to its many advantages, such as … Read more

Flutter Interview Questions for Freshers

Flutter is a popular cross-platform mobile development framework that allows developers to build native-looking applications for iOS and Android using a single codebase. It is a relatively new framework, but it has quickly gained popularity due to its many advantages, such as its fast development speed, expressive UI, and large community of developers. If you … Read more

How to use defer effectively in swift 5

In Swift 5, defer is a control flow statement that lets you schedule a block of code to be executed just before the current scope is exited. It’s often used to handle cleanup tasks such as releasing resources, closing files, or unlocking locks. Here’s an example of how to use defer effectively in Swift 5: … Read more

How to inject JavaScript code into a WKWebView in Swift?

To inject JavaScript code into a WKWebView in Swift, you can use the evaluateJavaScript(_:completionHandler:) method provided by WKWebView. Here is an example code snippet that loads a web page and then injects a JavaScript code snippet that changes the background color of the document: In this example, the webView(_:didFinish:) method is called when the web … Read more

How to detect when a WKWebView has finished loading in Swift?

To detect when a WKWebView has finished loading in Swift, you can use the WKNavigationDelegate protocol. Here are the steps: Here’s the complete code for loading a URL in a WKWebView and detecting when it has finished loading: You can customize the code to perform different actions when the web view finishes loading.

How to load a URL in a WKWebView in Swift?

Loading a URL in a WKWebView in Swift is quite similar to loading it in a UIWebView. Here’s how to do it: In the above code, we first import the WebKit framework and declare a WKWebView instance as a class variable. Then, in the viewDidLoad method, we create the WKWebView, set its navigationDelegate to self, … Read more

How to disable zooming in a UIWebView in Swift?

To disable zooming in a UIWebView in Swift, you can use the UIScrollViewDelegate method viewForZooming(in:) to return nil, effectively disabling zooming. Here’s an example code snippet: In this code snippet, the viewDidLoad method sets the delegate property of the UIWebView to self, and the scrollView.delegate property to self as well, allowing us to implement the … Read more

How to clear the cache of a UIWebView in Swift?

Clearing the cache of a UIWebView in Swift can be done by accessing the shared URLCache object and clearing its cached responses. Here’s how to do it: This will remove all cached responses from the cache, including those for the UIWebView. If you only want to clear the cache for the UIWebView, you can set … Read more