The issue is faced on XCode6 and above, Yosemite above.When one tries to use one developer account in two macs.
Lets get historical .
In xcode 5 and below the standard way of making adhoc distribution build on two mac was.
The issue is faced on XCode6 and above, Yosemite above.When one tries to use one developer account in two macs.
Lets get historical .
In xcode 5 and below the standard way of making adhoc distribution build on two mac was.
Pre iOS 8 it was enough to allocate location manager object to generate a permission request locationManager=[[CLLocationManager alloc] init]; but post iOS8 things have changed, in order to initiate the the request for location information you have to do following steps Add keys in info plist NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription : against this key description of the … Read more