Swift Tutorial | Simple UITableView with RxSwift and RxCocoa
In this post, we will be making a simple UITableView implementation using RxSwift and RxCocoa. No complex patterns to confuse you, the idea is to understand one thing at a time.
In this post, we will be making a simple UITableView implementation using RxSwift and RxCocoa. No complex patterns to confuse you, the idea is to understand one thing at a time.
Most of the time there is confusion about various content modes. I would like to clarify all 13 of them in this post. There are 13 content modes as listed below Scale To Fill Aspect Fit Aspect Fill Redraw Center Top Bottom Left Right Top Left Top Right Bottom Left Bottom Right Now I would … Read more
I remember when I first tried using the colour directly from photoshop into my project the colours were appearing whitish while it was yellowish in photoshop the colour value was Color-R-160, G-97, B-5. though very basic but somehow I could not take into account that I need to give a value between 0 and 1.0. … Read more
Hey there!! The agenda of this post is to get you on the speed with SwiftUI and I have chosen the most versatile UI component in iOS app world the UITableView. Today we will be making a UITableView with a custom cell and I will try to keep it as simple as possible.Let’s begin Creating … Read more
Previously in order to set selected segment color in UISegmentControl we needed to loop through subviews and set the right one like this imagine the uncertainties 😀 But since Xcode 11+ we can directly set selected tint in storyboard like this. In iops 13 + we can also use selectedSegmentTintColor. Makes life easy.