WKWebViewNavigationDelegate not found: How to fix it

WKWebView is a powerful web view component for iOS and macOS. It is designed to be more performant and secure than the older UIWebView component. However, it can also be more complex to use. One common error that developers encounter is “WKWebViewNavigationDelegate not found”. This error occurs when the developer has not imported the WebKit framework or has not properly set the navigation delegate for the WKWebView instance.

To fix the “WKWebViewNavigationDelegate not found” error:

  1. Import the WebKit framework.
  2. Set the navigation delegate for the WKWebView instance.

Here is an example of how to do this in Swift:

import WebKit

class ViewController: UIViewController, WKNavigationDelegate {

    @IBOutlet weak var webView: WKWebView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        // Import the WebKit framework.
        import WebKit

        // Set the navigation delegate for the WKWebView instance.
        webView.navigationDelegate = self

Once you have imported the WebKit framework and set the navigation delegate for the WKWebView instance, you should no longer see the “WKWebViewNavigationDelegate not found” error.

Additional tips:

  • Make sure that you are using the correct version of the WebKit framework. The required version of the WebKit framework will vary depending on the version of iOS or macOS that you are targeting.
  • Check your spelling to make sure that you are typing the WKWebViewNavigationDelegate protocol name correctly.
  • Try restarting your Xcode project.

If you are still having trouble fixing the “WKWebViewNavigationDelegate not found” error, you can try searching for help online or contacting Apple support.

A pat on the back !!