How to get index in swift for loop

In swift for loop, you can get the value of iterator usually named “i” in the following way

let pets = ["🦮","🐕‍🦺","🐩","🦄","🐮"]
for (i,pet) in pets.enumerated() {  // we enumerated through the pets array and got a tuple with iterator and value
    print("\(pet) at index \(i)")

🦮 at index 0
🐕‍🦺 at index 1
🐩 at index 2
🦄 at index 3
🐮 at index 4

In order to get the iterator, we enumerated through the array and decomposed the tuple in i and value. Decomposing individual element when we enumerate in swift for loop is not entirely necessary as the below code will show

for a in pets.enumerated() {
    print("\(a.1) at index \(a.0)")

🦮 at index 0
🐕‍🦺 at index 1
🐩 at index 2
🦄 at index 3
🐮 at index 4

Other ways to use swift for loop

For loop in swift using range

We can use a range and iterate over it using for loop as shown in the code below

let ourRange = 1...6

for i in ourRange {

For loop in swift on a iterable collection

We can iterate over a collection easily using for loop in swift as shown in the code below

let pets = ["🦮","🐕‍🦺","🐩","🦄","🐮"]

for pet in pets {

It is not always necessary to use the element of collection we can ignore it by using underscore in swift for loop

let pets = ["🦮","🐕‍🦺","🐩","🦄","🐮"]

for _ in pets {
   print("All are mine")

Hope this helps!!!

A pat on the back !!