A Comprehensive Guide: Checking if a String Contains Another String in Swift

In Swift programming, determining whether a string contains another string is a common task. Whether you’re building a search feature, data validation system, or text processing application, efficiently checking for substrings is essential. Thankfully, Swift provides several methods to accomplish this task effectively. In this guide, we’ll explore various approaches to check if a string contains another string in Swift.

Method 1: Using the contains() Method

One of the simplest ways to check if a string contains another string in Swift is by using the contains() method. This method is available on the String type and returns a Boolean value indicating whether the specified string is found within the original string.

let mainString = "Hello, world!"
let subString = "world"

if mainString.contains(subString) {
    print("The main string contains the sub-string.")
} else {
    print("The main string does not contain the sub-string.")

Method 2: Using the range(of:) Method

Another approach is to use the range(of:) method, which returns an optional Range<String.Index> representing the range of the first occurrence of the specified string within the original string.

let mainString = "Hello, world!"
let subString = "world"

if let range = mainString.range(of: subString) {
    print("The main string contains the sub-string at index \(range.lowerBound).")
} else {
    print("The main string does not contain the sub-string.")

Method 3: Using Regular Expressions

For more advanced string matching scenarios, you can utilize regular expressions. Regular expressions provide powerful pattern matching capabilities.

import Foundation

let mainString = "Hello, world!"
let subStringPattern = "wo\\w+"

if let _ = mainString.range(of: subStringPattern, options: .regularExpression) {
    print("The main string contains a substring matching the pattern.")
} else {
    print("The main string does not contain a substring matching the pattern.")


Checking if a string contains another string in Swift is a fundamental operation in many applications. By leveraging methods like contains(), range(of:), or regular expressions, you can efficiently accomplish this task. Choose the method that best fits your requirements based on simplicity, performance, and flexibility. With these techniques at your disposal, you can confidently handle string comparisons in your Swift projects.

In conclusion, Swift offers multiple options for checking substring presence, catering to various needs and scenarios encountered in software development. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Swift developer, mastering these techniques will enhance your ability to work with strings effectively.

A pat on the back !!