TestFlight: File an Annual Self Classification Report

While uploading the build to the test flight many where greeted with compliance missing. Which on further alerted users with a message “If you are making use of ATS or making a call to HTTPS please note that you are required to submit a year-end self-classification report to the US government” This is because of the … Read more

Swift Defer Statement explained

When you want to ensure that a code block is executed just before control exits the scope, Swift Defer Statement comes to your rescue. Sometimes a function is required to have multiple conditional exit point and covering those exit points without swift defer statement can lead to code duplication or it might just not be possible to … Read more

MacOS disappears after successful download

First, I saw it happen on my friend’ss mac. Then I stumbled upon a few other incidents reported on mac forums. So I decided to write about it. One of the common cause of the issue is using different Appstore ID than which was used to install the current version. Solution is Either log out … Read more

Xcode SVN is scheduled for addition, but is missing Error

When a file is scheduled for commit according to svn records but is not present within the root directory, svn throws “is scheduled for addition, but is missing” error. There can be many causes for this error most common one is renaming the file from finder instead of refactoring and deleting the file from the finder. … Read more

Swift nonmutating setters. an Oxymoron?

While going through Xcode 10.1 release notes I stumbled upon a very unfamiliar term “nonmutating setters”. Inquisitiveness had the best of me and I spent time reading about it and implementing examples. Here is the jest for you nonmutable setters cannot be used within Classes or protocol bound classes nonmutable setters do not mutate instance nonmutable … Read more

Realm implementing GROUP BY query equivalent in swift

Realm GROUP BY query equivalent can be achieved in swift very effectively. Going ahead in the post I will create an imaginary requirement and I will guide you through the necessary solution. Let us start with our realm data model import UIKit import RealmSwift @objcMembers final class Room:Object{ dynamic var roomID:String? = “” //Room ID … Read more

Invite TestFlight testers with a public link

Everyone loved Diawi for its simplicity. Good news is Apple has made beta testing simple, like Diawi. Now you can Invite TestFlight testers with a public link. No need to manage email list and testers can remain anonymous. So now you can drop your app test link in a public forum for anonymous users to test and … Read more

Download Xcode 10.1 beta 2

The all-new Xcode 10 beta 1 can be downloaded from apple  using a valid Apple ID Download Xcode 10.1 beta 2 A valid Apple ID is required. If your are already logged in in the browser Xcode 10 Beta 1 download will start directly. Else you will be redirected to the login screen. Once you will … Read more