Parsekit is a very powerfull yet simple tokenizer you can make your own language parser using parse kit.
in this post i will tell you how to integrate parsekit to your project.The procee on the parse kit website is for xcode 3. Lets get started
Step 1. Take check out of the ParseKit from svn co Copy paste on terminal
Step3. Now go to your project Build Phases and click open link binary with libraries ,click on + symbol and add libparsekit.a.
Step4. Now in a similar fashion add libicucore.dylib to your link binary with library.
open target dependency and add parskitmobile to it.
Step5. Under the Build Setting tab of your app’s Target Info window, edit the Header Search Paths Setting to include the path to the include folder inside of the ParseKit folder you checked out. Make sure you edit this for All Configurations, not just the active one.
Step7. In clude header file parseKit/parsekit.h and u r good to go.
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