How to detect when a UIWebView has finished loading in Swift?

To detect when a UIWebView has finished loading in Swift, you can use the UIWebViewDelegate protocol. This protocol provides a set of methods that allow you to receive notifications when various events occur in the web view, including when it finishes loading. To implement the UIWebViewDelegate protocol, you first need to set the delegate property … Read more

Using DateInterval with stride in swift

Swift provides a useful method called stride, which allows you to iterate over a range of values with a specific interval. This can be useful when you need to iterate over dates with a specific interval, such as every day, week, or month. In this article, we will explore how to use stride to iterate … Read more

Returning value from async function in swift using async await

Asynchronous programming is a critical part of modern programming, especially for iOS app development. Swift has introduced several new features to support asynchronous programming. One such feature is the ability to define and call asynchronous functions. When working with asynchronous functions, it’s common to need to return values from them. In this article, we’ll explore … Read more

How to increment by more than one in swift for loop

In a Swift for loop, you can use the stride method to increment by more than one. The stride method takes three arguments: the starting value, the ending value, and the amount to increment by. Here’s an example: In this example, the loop starts at 0 and increments by 2 until it reaches 10. The … Read more

Iterate a loop with both index and element in Swift

When working with loops in Swift, it’s often useful to have access to both the index and the element at the same time. This can be achieved using a for-in loop with the enumerated() method. Here’s an example: This will output: As you can see, the enumerated() method returns a sequence of tuples, where each … Read more

Using swift for loop with index values

Swift provides an easy and intuitive way to loop through a collection using a for loop. But sometimes, you may need to access the index of the current element in the loop. In such cases, you can use the enumerated() method to get the index along with the element. In this article, we’ll explore how … Read more

How to Create Local Notifications in Swift 5: A Quick Guide

Local notifications are a powerful tool for keeping users engaged with your app even when they are not actively using it. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating local notifications in Swift 5. Step 1: Request Permission Before you can create and schedule local notifications, you need to request permission from … Read more

Uploading Files in Swift 5 with Alamofire

Uploading files is an essential feature of many applications, and it can be challenging to implement it correctly. Fortunately, with Alamofire, uploading files in Swift 5 is relatively easy. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of uploading a file using Alamofire in Swift 5. Step 1: Import Alamofire and MobileCoreServices frameworks … Read more