How to Create Custom URL Schemes in a WKWebView in Swift

WKWebView is a powerful component for displaying web content in your Swift iOS applications. One of its key features is the ability to communicate between your app and web content using custom URL schemes. Custom URL schemes enable you to define specific URLs that, when clicked, trigger actions or communication within your app. In this … Read more

Making a Function Execute Every Second in Flutter

In Flutter, it’s common to perform tasks periodically, such as updating the user interface, fetching data, or running background processes. One way to achieve this is by making a function execute at regular intervals, like every second. In this article, we’ll explore how to accomplish this using Flutter. Using the Timer Class Flutter provides the … Read more

How to Handle WKWebView Errors in Swift

WKWebView is a powerful component for displaying web content in your Swift iOS applications. However, as with any network-based functionality, errors can occur. To ensure a smooth user experience, it’s essential to handle errors that may arise during web content loading and navigation. In this article, we’ll explore how to effectively handle WKWebView errors in … Read more

Forced Unwrapping vs. Optional Binding in Swift: Best Practices

Swift, a language known for its safety features, offers two common methods for working with optionals: forced unwrapping and optional binding. Both techniques are used to access the underlying value of an optional variable, but they come with different levels of safety. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between forced unwrapping and optional binding, … Read more

Common Causes of ‘Unexpectedly found nil’ Errors in Swift

As a Swift developer, you’ve likely encountered the dreaded ‘Unexpectedly found nil’ error. This error occurs when you attempt to access a value that is unexpectedly set to nil, leading to a runtime crash. Understanding the common causes behind this error is crucial for writing robust Swift code. In this article, we’ll explore the typical … Read more

How to Clear the Cache of a WKWebView in Swift

WKWebView is a powerful component in iOS development that allows you to display web content within your app. However, there may be situations where you need to clear the cache to ensure that your app displays the most up-to-date content. In this article, we’ll explore how to clear the cache of a WKWebView in Swift. … Read more

How to Disable Zooming in a WKWebView in Swift

The WKWebView is a powerful component in iOS development for rendering web content within your app. However, there might be cases where you want to disable zooming to provide a fixed view of the web content. In this article, we’ll explore how to disable zooming in a WKWebView using Swift. Prerequisites Before you begin, make … Read more

How to Programmatically call a phone number in flutter

In Flutter, you can initiate a phone call by using the url_launcher package. This package allows you to open URLs, including phone numbers, in the device’s default application, which is typically the phone app for phone numbers. Here’s how you can call a phone number in Flutter: Step 1: Add the Dependency First, add the … Read more

Post local notification in flutter

In Flutter, you can post local notifications using plugins such as flutter_local_notifications. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to post local notifications in your Flutter app: Step 1: Add Dependency To get started, you need to add the flutter_local_notifications package to your pubspec.yaml file. Open the file and add the following dependency: Then, run flutter … Read more